Exactly a month since i posted last. A month of joy and holidays? roamed around, saw places, drew (or atleast tried to draw (^_^) )
well all that came to an end last Thursday!!! my sem started. And boy it started with a BANG!!! loads of work!! clay animation... storyboard... ballman dialogue... pose practice... and more...
Karan sir (our mentor for Third sem) started with a warning!!! no extension on deadline... and am I Really scared...
started on my Ist assignment... ball man dialogue...
the dialogue i chose was from my Favorite movie Back to the future (Part I)... the dialogue i really wanted to do... but wouldnt be able to cause it was too well known... but in ballman I can (>_<)... here's a playblast of the dialogue... its in Ist pass... and not having any props... that all comes in later... have to model a LAB from someone...
Apart form the dialogue... we also had to do poses!!! thats it just poses... it would help me strenthen my posing...
this week's emotion was Action and crying out loud...
here's what I have done...

thats all for now...