Hey there!
As Promised this is the picture of all my Class mates! All are looking happy because of the valuable document held in their hand.
no! its not their Progress report! its not their certificate. Its their Internship Form. Its a reminder, that its coming to an END of the road. No more student.

Standing (L to R): Vinodh, Sumit, Abhinav. Takashi, Sabhya and Arkajyothi
Sitting (L to R): lakshmi, Feroz and Harish

The END is COMING!!! thats the thought that's running in my mind these days. I donno if thats a good thing or a BAD thing. After 17 years of student life I am now thrown into the cruel cold world. I am thinking Is that A good thing or A bad thing??? especially with the current situation. oh well! lets see what happens... for now I am happy!
tomorrow Is a sad sad day! my good friend Takashi will be leaving for Japan. will post some of the pic's day after tomorrow
Thats it for now