Hi there....
ERROR ERROR! guess everything I try for the First time gets Screwed Up big time... so after trying to fix the errors acting and so on my file got soooooooo messed up that it was better to start from start.
so heres the New (and Hopefully Improved) dialogue Blocking
Man Am I Gonna miss this Place... Learnt Alot :( had alot of Fun... I was secure in learning... Now I don't know... the Doubt of future looms over my sorrow Head. here are some of the pics of my friends in the Lab who give me company (ppl I irritate)

This is my place! where I sat for past 2 Years...

That's what I did for the past 2 Years

Our day Admin Mr.Jitin

And night Admin Shaljo

Thats Anikith. I always thought I was the only one Who made Bad PJ's till I met Him...

Kanishk Ever questining ever Cautious and always calling for COD 2.

The multitasker. If you look at the screen you'll see that he's not working only on Realflow.

Chandu... the most hardworking dude I have ever seen. and Hunble as hell... always in lab from morgning to night. I litrelly drag him out of his place for break
Takashi... my Only Japanese dude I know... I usually thought people exaggerated when they said Japanese worked hard. I now know thats true for a Fact

Sumit.... What A walk cycle he has... what style... only seeing is beliving. such walks cant be put in words

Feroz our loverboy alwasy on Gtalk thought not anymore :(

And finally Our Star Animator/Actor Mr.Light aka Lighto aka Bunty aka Arkajyoti

this is the whole Bunch! ( couple missing) from L to R: Lakshmi Arkajyoti, Feroz,Harish,Vinodh,Sumit and Takashi. The missing guys are Sabhya and Abhinav whose photo i'll post in a little while.
well thats it for now
LOve the last Photo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hahhaha....Storing all yr sweet memories before Yu get outta takshaa fr good eh :D
awesome post! you tried to sum up everything in this one is it? cool!
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